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A message from General Manager Bill Pettus on the Wear Red Movement in our Valley.

Every Friday I see more and more of our listeners….from Phoenix to Queen Creek and beyond….wearing RED on Friday to support the troops. You’ve heard our messages on 1260AM/96.1FM asking you to wear RED on Fridays to show the solidarity in the Valley as we support our men and women abroad until they ALL COME HOME. I just wanted to take a minute to say THANK YOU!….and ask you to please keep up the good work and spread the word. Soon you’ll see the entire Valley covered in RED each and every Friday in support of OUR TROOPS! Our military men and women here in the Valley need to see this support so they can let those heroes abroad know that they are in our hearts and that we appreciate them.

If your business would like to support the Wear Red movement and let your customers know that you support this by being a part of a Wear Red campaign on Today’s Comedy Radio, just shoot me an email at [email protected]. Once you’re up and running, you can have your employees take part by wearing RED to work each Friday and show their team effort to everyone who visits your business. Research shows that people will go out of their way to do business with those who are involved in the community….especially supporting our HEROES.


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