

Advertise with FUNNY! Your potential customers are already listening so invite them to do business with you!

Shoot us an email at [email protected] and we’ll send you information on advertising on these FUNNY FUNNY stations! More and more people are turning to Comedy Radio for 24/7 “comic relief”  because they are tired of the same old Songs and the same old Talk. We have thousands of comedy bits in rotation and you can even call the “Chuckle” line (218-Chuckle) and request even more!

When you advertise your business in the “Comedy” environment, people feel good about what they hear, so they are in that same “good mood” when they hear your commercials and are more receptive to the message.

RADIO GETS RESULTS! And Comedy Radio is the Hottest thing to hit the Valley!…..so get the information you need to make an informed decision. Email [email protected] or call 480-319-6565  TODAY!