Great Value


Advertise your business with Funny 1260AM and save 50% during our, “the boss is out of town” sale!

If you thought you could never afford to be on the radio inviting new customers into your business, think again! Call me and get the details on our Half-Off sale ( good while supplies last) and all the needed information for you to make an educated decision on your marketing. With this “deal” you can secure your advertising through the end of 2018 if you chose to do so…..because you should always be advertising….and this makes it affordable to do just that even if you are a small business. This is your chance to compete with the BIG BOYS! So call 480-319-6565 or email me at [email protected]. There is no obligation to get this information and we are not high-pressure salespeople. We are experts in marketing so we will recommend what is needed to accomplish your goals and objectives once we know what those are. Looking forward to being of service to your business. Thank for your time!